You get to rewrite your past today!

How adopting my AWAKEN the joy within™️ framework has helped me and my clients ditch regrets, guilt & shame thinking/feeling that gets in the road of showing up in the present 

A joyful life is one fresh thought away


At 52, Pia Antico is a uniquely titled Crone Life Joy Reboot Mentor, Best Selling Author & International Public Speaker who is passionate about combining the Spiritual with the Political as far as it comes to challenging modern-day, misogynistic youth obsession that pathologizes aging & Menopause; that has many women around the world dreading & grieving this final Divine Feminine crowning stage of womanhood.

The Crone Life™️ stage

Pia is on a mission to contribute to the global conversation aimed at showing women that looking younger & losing weight is not the answer to successful aging.

She's a 'three near deaths before 30, two abusive marriages, & major head injury; life rebuilder' whose mission is to help women over 40 to effortlessly get past their darkest moments by tapping into their innate well-being & shining the light of their radiant, joyful wisdom. Pia wants women to know in their bones that their past doesn't predict their future & now is the time to dream big.

Combining her background in Psychology, Counseling & Coaching certification in the Three Principles Paradigm; Pia intuitively guides women over 40 to ditch their regrets, live unapologetically, age disgracefully & quit being an unwilling bystander in their lives.

Without getting stuck rehashing, analyzing & reframing trauma stories; by embodying my unique 6-step AWAKEN the joy within™️ framework that aims to help them tap into, and be guided by their innate joyful wisdom.

Pia Antico is on a profressional & personal journey of decolonising wellness, wellbeing and ageing rooted in Intersectional Feminist, Socialist, Queer, Black & First Nations, Pro 🇵🇸 Frameworks.

𝗣𝗶𝗮’𝘀 𝗔𝗰𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀:

Practitioner Membership - 3PGC (2019-2024)
Bachelor Science (Psychology) - Macquarie University
Graduate Diploma Psychology - CSU
Post Graduate Diploma Psychology- CSU
Certificate in Counselling Skills - ACAP
Certificate in Working with People with Disabilities - ACAP
Certificate in Conflict Resolution - ACAP
Master in Development Studies - UNSW



What happens when women over 40 work with me & tap into their Crone Life Wisdom (9min audio)


The Crone is the honorary title given in Pre-Christian folklore for the communally revered Menopausal/Post Menopausal Wise Woman. She was the keeper of knowledge & the wisdom holder respected by men, women & children of the society.

She was the Shaman/Healer & High Priestess who having overcome trials & tribulations has learned what it is to lead from the wellspring of her creativity & be guided by heartful wisdom.

Being in your Crone Power is to step forward into your daily life free from regrets, carefree, enthusiastic & confident that in every moment you will have the wisdom guided answers you need to respond in the best possible way with fearless compassion & joy